Knitting stuff and going on and on.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Remember when.

You were happy that you could knit and purl. You thought it was so fantastic that this new thing you could do made such beautiful things.

Then you learned to knit with more than one colour. Then in the round. Shaping followed and lace was next. The cabling though, that captured your imagination. Imagine making stitches travel all over the knitting and meet up wherever you want.

Now, the knitting and purling, no shaping, no colourwork, no lace just aren't the same anymore. So you are slapping in a bit of this and a bit of that because your attention span has shrunk that much. Like a toddler always looking for the next bright light and shiny new toy.

Sigh. I have some more knitting and purling to do before this is done. I am whining and it is a small project. Whatever will I do when I have a big one to get through?


  • you need a lite brite! i remember those.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:03 AM, January 24, 2008  

  • Sometimes, a project just makes you feel like that.

    I know it happens with every single scarf I knit - no matter how much I love the pattern.

    By Blogger Miss Scarlett, at 2:50 PM, January 24, 2008  

  • Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets bored with plain knitting, though I can get to the "over it" point with more interesting patterns too. Me thinks I'm much better with smaller projects; or very quick knitting yarn if it's a larger one.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 PM, January 24, 2008  

  • I remember when I use to say "I hate knitting, I'd rather crochet." What happened? Now I practically ONLY knit. Yuh, I'm even happy with the boring "knit forever" projects. What's with that? Maybe those things get easier to do when you get older, huh?

    By Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut, at 10:04 AM, January 25, 2008  

  • I can relate to that! I get so impatient, especially on the bigger projects. :0)

    Love the idea of the skating party!

    By Blogger Charity, at 11:43 AM, January 25, 2008  

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