Knitting stuff and going on and on.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Is it Saturday already?

Where did the time go? It seems this week was a bit of a blur. Today is bright and beautiful with a wind that could cut you to frozen ribbons. Pretty though and going to be busy.

After Kindergym we'll be driving down this road to the yarn store for a hang out session.

We pass so many beautiful things on the way.

Does moss grow thickest on the north side of a tree? Only if that is the side that doesn't get much sun.

One number at a time! Put one back

before you get another one.



  • That No Yelling rule seems especially hard right now... I think everyone has a touch of cabin fever! :0)

    By Blogger Charity, at 11:37 AM, February 10, 2007  

  • Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful scenery. So cold and clear - I think that's what they call a crisp day, right?

    Have fun at the yarn store - I guess it's like Kindergym for Knitters.

    By Blogger Kristy, at 4:47 PM, February 10, 2007  

  • no, silly woman! it's monday already. MONDAY!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:42 PM, February 11, 2007  

  • Gorgeous!
    Here moss grows on all sides of the tree so...that saying is totally useless if you are looking to gauge your direction. :-D

    By Blogger Miss Scarlett, at 3:08 PM, February 11, 2007  

  • It's so great seeing at least a bit of snow this winter through your beautiful photos - thanks for reminding me that winter still does exist - just not over here ;(

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:07 AM, February 12, 2007  

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