W.W.K.I.P Day and Saturday Sky photo
Friday wasn't just the Relay for Life, it was also World Wide Knit in Public Day. Two great things in one day! Here I am getting ready to do some laps and apparently amaze many people with my stellar multi-tasking ability. It doesn't get much more public than that.

The sky this morning was amazing. The woman on that ladder is conquering her biggest fear. She said, if so many people can face death and fight back, I can face this.
The sky this morning was amazing. The woman on that ladder is conquering her biggest fear. She said, if so many people can face death and fight back, I can face this.
Did you manage to continue knitting while you were running/jogging/walking too? :=)
Sue H, at 6:38 PM, June 09, 2007
i'm impressed. the knitting i get, but to walk with bulk at your side for so long... that's tough.
i'm all about symmetry when i walk or run.
everyone who knows you is very proud. i bet girly thinks you're even more of a superhero!
Anonymous, at 6:48 PM, June 09, 2007
I'm still impressed. To walk & knit at the same time is still a feat I haven't accomplished yet. But IN THE DARK ... you're my hero!
Rhonda the Stitchingnut, at 10:21 AM, June 11, 2007
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