Lots of yarn, no knitting.
Manise? Are you out there? Have you e-mailed me and Blogger sent it off into Hither and Yon? I haven't heard from you. Please try me at duchofb at yahoo dot ca substitute the usual symbols for the words of course. Your yarn awaits.
Ilene, look what was at the local grocery. This is what kind of treasure you find when shopping with a two year old who wants to help Mommy put stuff in the cart. It's Clubhouse Neon food dyes. They come with pink, purple, green and blue. I'll post another dye batch tomorrow that uses these with a few packages of drink mix.

The yarns I have dyed so far. On the top left to right, Laurentides, Iceberg Alley, Northern Backyard and Roselea. On the bottom, left to right, Canadian A?! and Northern Point.

A preview. The start of a new colourway using the neons and no-name drink mixs. This skein turned into a snarl so I am currently playing "Chase the ends through the tangle." with the hope of eventually reskeining and overdying with two more colours. This is Briggs and Little's Tuffy. It's dyeing really well so far.
Ilene, look what was at the local grocery. This is what kind of treasure you find when shopping with a two year old who wants to help Mommy put stuff in the cart. It's Clubhouse Neon food dyes. They come with pink, purple, green and blue. I'll post another dye batch tomorrow that uses these with a few packages of drink mix.

The yarns I have dyed so far. On the top left to right, Laurentides, Iceberg Alley, Northern Backyard and Roselea. On the bottom, left to right, Canadian A?! and Northern Point.

A preview. The start of a new colourway using the neons and no-name drink mixs. This skein turned into a snarl so I am currently playing "Chase the ends through the tangle." with the hope of eventually reskeining and overdying with two more colours. This is Briggs and Little's Tuffy. It's dyeing really well so far.

Hello Dorothy, I saw your hand-dyed sock yarn yesterday in person and I could almost eat it up. Can't wait to see the next batch.
See you soon,
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, July 16, 2006
Hi Dorothy - these colors are awesome! - can't wait to see them in person, like Tee.
Looking forward to seeing you both this week, I'm on my way tomorrow with large bag in tow.
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM, July 16, 2006
Wow, what an amazing dyeing job you did, these colors are all so happy and cheerful - I can't for the life of me decide which one I like best! Great work!
Anonymous, at 3:39 AM, July 17, 2006
Your dying looks great! What terrific vibrant colors!
Jana, at 5:51 AM, July 17, 2006
Very nice colors. I am still afraid to try dyeing.
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM, July 17, 2006
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