My newest creations and a plea for help. Chip-n-for-Dale
Say hello to "Double, Double". I am Canadian. I love (not strong enough), I LOOOVE Tim Horton's coffee. Even Seattle, the self-titled coffee capital of the world doesn't have anything like it. Tim Horton's coffee is so good, our soldier's posted all over the world have to have it. A new portable Tim Horton's recently opened in Kandahar. Starbucks, you bitter, overbrewed, worst-coffee-I-have-ever-tasted, eat your heart out. Timmie's is where it's at!

This is the yarn that I used strong tea and coffee to dye. What better name for a caffeine dyed yarn than that I tells ya!
Next up is "Glacier". She used to be grey and feeling cold and lonely, then she got highlights and now, fans everywhere are clamouring for her new look. Salons will be jumping now, eh b'y.

The pets think that pink water dripping into a bowl is pretty darned interesting.

The star of the show today is "Pink Leopard". She's a real winner of a prize and if you want her and her mate, go here and read about how a couple of good friends are trying to help a fellow fibre artist pay for the costs of a bone marrow transplant. They could use a bit of help since the pay-us-money-if-you-want-to-be-healthy system isn't cheap. Five dollars U.S. will get you in on the draws and one of the prizes is two of these beauties and a set of 3.25 mm handmade DPN's.

Pink Leopard loves her close-ups.

The Leopard is often used to symolize the unknown, stillness, silence, stealth, night, healing, darkness, hidden truth, fearlessness, swiftness, perseverance, beauty, cunning and strength.
Say a prayer for Dale would ya she could use some good knitter's mojo. To read about the start of her journey back to health, go to the beginning of her blog and just start reading.
Say one for us up here in Northwestern Ontario too, especially our firefighters. Look at this Current Fires map for our area. It's a really windy day today. Not good conditions for firefighters.
Forgot to add the new winner of the Canadian A?! sock yarn. PBnJ, come on down! You're next winner in the first ever contest on this blog. Blogger's been such a crank lately, it may be the only draw on this blog.

This is the yarn that I used strong tea and coffee to dye. What better name for a caffeine dyed yarn than that I tells ya!
Next up is "Glacier". She used to be grey and feeling cold and lonely, then she got highlights and now, fans everywhere are clamouring for her new look. Salons will be jumping now, eh b'y.

The pets think that pink water dripping into a bowl is pretty darned interesting.

The star of the show today is "Pink Leopard". She's a real winner of a prize and if you want her and her mate, go here and read about how a couple of good friends are trying to help a fellow fibre artist pay for the costs of a bone marrow transplant. They could use a bit of help since the pay-us-money-if-you-want-to-be-healthy system isn't cheap. Five dollars U.S. will get you in on the draws and one of the prizes is two of these beauties and a set of 3.25 mm handmade DPN's.

Pink Leopard loves her close-ups.

The Leopard is often used to symolize the unknown, stillness, silence, stealth, night, healing, darkness, hidden truth, fearlessness, swiftness, perseverance, beauty, cunning and strength.
Say a prayer for Dale would ya she could use some good knitter's mojo. To read about the start of her journey back to health, go to the beginning of her blog and just start reading.
Say one for us up here in Northwestern Ontario too, especially our firefighters. Look at this Current Fires map for our area. It's a really windy day today. Not good conditions for firefighters.
Forgot to add the new winner of the Canadian A?! sock yarn. PBnJ, come on down! You're next winner in the first ever contest on this blog. Blogger's been such a crank lately, it may be the only draw on this blog.
Yay for Timmies!!! Great yarn.
Martina, at 3:42 PM, July 19, 2006
Oh I am thrilled to win anything, but I was also moved by your post and Dale's blog to make a donate to help her. Great yarn colors. I might get up the nerve when I am off work next month to try dyeing. Thanks for reading my blog, now I have something to post!
Anonymous, at 4:27 PM, July 19, 2006
Ooh! I won!? Cool!
I know about Dale - what a sweet lady - I "know" her from the Christian Artisans Yahoo list. I wish her the best! Thanks for helping her!
Yum - coffee - I've never had Tim Horton's but it sounds good!
And such pretty yarns!
Have a great day! and Thanks!
PBnJ, at 7:15 PM, July 19, 2006
Oh, here's my email addy, I can't find how to get in touch with you...
tbrockmeier AT msn DOT com
Thanks again!
PBnJ, at 7:19 PM, July 19, 2006
Great yarn! Double double is really nice, and I especially love Glacier. Beautiful.
Charity, at 12:00 AM, July 20, 2006
Gosh, I can't believe how beautiful all these skeins are! The coffee-dyed one rocks absolutely! As a true coffee addict, I'm ashamed to say that I haven't heard of Tim Horton's before - heck, he'd better open a branch here in Innsbruck soon!
Anonymous, at 5:07 AM, July 20, 2006
oh, Dorothy-- i think your skein of Double-Double is gorgeous. and i'm brewing myself a pot of coffee right now, too. but Tim Horton's? notsomuch for the fried, processed chain-resto food.
kelli ann & lorie, at 6:36 AM, July 22, 2006
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