Please, help my friends.
This morning as friends of mine who were moving from here to Gander, NF pulled into Ottawa, they got a phone call that they had just lost everything they owned when the moving copmany's truck burned to the ground. The moving company has told them they will pay them $5,000 dollars for everything they lost. That doesn't even come close to helping them out. I of course told them to sue the pants off the company (well-maintained vehicles that are properly packed don't just up and burn to the ground) and assured them they would get a much better settlement if they did. That won't make them feel any better about losing all the things that can't be replaced, but at least they would have decent furniture to sit on in the meantime.
I would like to send them a knit care package of dishcloths, dish towels, face cloths and hand towels. If you can, I would really appreciate your help.
I was thinking warm colours for the kitchen and cool colours for the bathroom.
I'd also appreciate it if you would include a picture of something from your city/town/municipality of residence with your name on it. It can be a developed photo or a printed digital photo.
I think that Double, Double (both skeins) and Glacier (both skeins) will be draw prizes for people who are kind enough to help ease the devastation that losing everything brings. Your name will go into the pot one time for every knit item you send.

Double, Double is Briggs and Little's "Heritage" (100% wool about 216yds/skein) coffee and tea dyed yarn.
Glacier is Briggs and Little's Tuffy (80% wool and 20% nylon about 220yds/skein) it was originally grey but I use food dye to colour some of it.
If I get a lot of participants, I'll dye more yarn and put it up as prizes.
I'm going to put together a Grand Prize for one lucky draw prize winner (it will definitely include two skeins of Briggs and Little in one of the weights available to me, of your choice dyed to your specifications) so keep and eye out and please, tell everyone you know about this so I can send them a really great package.
You can send everything to:
Dorothy Broderick
Box 3119
Sioux Lookout, ON
P8T 1J8
Edited to add: I'll be collecting for my friends until August 31st, 2006 and mailing stuff to them September 15th, 2006. However, I will continue to accept knit items after the deadline to make little care packages and donate them to the local women's shelter to help women who are trying to start a new hopefully, violence-free life. You can email me at duchofb at yahoo dot ca if you have any questions.
Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate all your help for my project.
I would like to send them a knit care package of dishcloths, dish towels, face cloths and hand towels. If you can, I would really appreciate your help.
I was thinking warm colours for the kitchen and cool colours for the bathroom.
I'd also appreciate it if you would include a picture of something from your city/town/municipality of residence with your name on it. It can be a developed photo or a printed digital photo.
I think that Double, Double (both skeins) and Glacier (both skeins) will be draw prizes for people who are kind enough to help ease the devastation that losing everything brings. Your name will go into the pot one time for every knit item you send.

Double, Double is Briggs and Little's "Heritage" (100% wool about 216yds/skein) coffee and tea dyed yarn.
Glacier is Briggs and Little's Tuffy (80% wool and 20% nylon about 220yds/skein) it was originally grey but I use food dye to colour some of it.
If I get a lot of participants, I'll dye more yarn and put it up as prizes.
I'm going to put together a Grand Prize for one lucky draw prize winner (it will definitely include two skeins of Briggs and Little in one of the weights available to me, of your choice dyed to your specifications) so keep and eye out and please, tell everyone you know about this so I can send them a really great package.
You can send everything to:
Dorothy Broderick
Box 3119
Sioux Lookout, ON
P8T 1J8
Edited to add: I'll be collecting for my friends until August 31st, 2006 and mailing stuff to them September 15th, 2006. However, I will continue to accept knit items after the deadline to make little care packages and donate them to the local women's shelter to help women who are trying to start a new hopefully, violence-free life. You can email me at duchofb at yahoo dot ca if you have any questions.
Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate all your help for my project.
Count me in! Your friends are so so lucky to have you as a friend!
This is my first visit to your blog (I wandered over from Kay's MDK Snippet about you) and I have to say: what a joy! You do beautiful things! I can't wait til I have time to come back and read more.
Please excuse me while I visit my LONG neglected blog. I need to post something and then going pilfer through my dishcloth cottons...
Kristy, at 9:27 PM, July 20, 2006
I just found your blog from the SP8 site, and I'd love to help out! It is so strange, I just hung up some store bought dishclothes to dry and thought "I should look online for some dishcloth patterns!" and here you are needing some! If you come up with anything else that can be knitted, post it here...
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM, July 20, 2006
I also popped over from Mason Dixon and though I can't help just at the moment with any knitted items, I did want to say that your friends story sounds VERY MUCH like a moving company scam, which are unfortunately very very common. It's quite likely that they have your friends things, or are selling them or warehousing them somewhere. I don't know if she'll get her things back, but I would strongly suggest that she push for the exact details of this accident and check with the local police in the area of the truck fire. I don't know about jurisdiction, perhaps the local police where the moving company is based can be helpful in pursuing them if it seems that the moving company is holding or selling the goods. At the very least, she should report moving company to the better business bureau.
AmberCake, at 10:04 AM, July 21, 2006
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