Knitting stuff and going on and on.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Was it Something I Said?

Was it so bad that I earned this cold shoulder from Mother Nature?

I'm very glad that the frost didn't kill or hurt these little flowers. We call them Catnip flowers, but I don't think that's what they are really called. Pretty little things though and my side yard is carpeted with them.

Good thing I have a couple of scarves on the needles with the first frost showing up so soon. This one is a play on double moss stitch that worked out much better than I could have hoped. There is more than likely a scarf pattern just like this out there somewhere. I think though, that I will name my scarf "Under Water" because it makes me think of how the sand looks just under the water's edge at a beach.

I haven't found a scarf pattern that looks like this yet. Although there is more than likely one out there. It's a reversible cable instead of ribbing scarf. I was going to call it "Cabled for Her", but Debbie Stoller has a Ribbed for her Pleasure scarf pattern in one of her books and that name is too close for me. So I'm thinking of "Plain Jane it Ain't".

Time too, to get going on this sweater for Girly again. Since my trick with all the DPNs worked out so well for the Capelet, I'm going to skip waiting for a 24" cable needle to show up in my budget and use the extra set of DPNs I have lying around with nothing on them. Hopefully it will work just as well this time as the first time.

Now say a prayer/send good karma that I get the job I interviewed for yesterday, would you? I got good vibes from them, but you never know. The pipes in the wall burst again and well, it's all fun all the time around here. We need to get a few things paid off so we can hire a good contractor to come in and redo the bathroom properly as well as a plumber to replace most of our pipes so this will quit happening.


  • Brrr! It's been cold here in the mornings, too, but I haven't seen any frost yet!

    I really like the not plain scarf! It looks like a nice texture.

    By Blogger Charity, at 1:41 PM, September 12, 2007  

  • I am insanely jealous that you've had frost already! I suffer terrible seasonal allergies in late August/early September and now pray for frost :) Both of those scarves look super cozy. Sending good karma to you also! Good luck.

    By Blogger TJ, at 3:06 PM, September 12, 2007  

  • It's been chillier here, but we haven't gotten to frost temps yet. I hope we have a little more summer in reserve somewhere.

    Good luck on the job! I'll cross all the body parts I can for you! ;)

    By Blogger Sus, at 3:19 PM, September 12, 2007  

  • Love the scarf patterns. You're right, the first one looks very much like the rippled sand under the water.

    Good luck on the job front!!!

    By Blogger Maureen, at 7:45 PM, September 12, 2007  

  • Good luck with the job, D! I will be thinking many good thoughts :)

    Pretty knits - cooler times are a-comin'!

    By Blogger Lolly, at 6:35 AM, September 13, 2007  

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