Knitting stuff and going on and on.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lucky, lucky me!

Look what showed up in my mailbox! My Secret Pal read that I wanted to get this series starting with this one and she came through for me. God love her! So I finally returned the library's copy to them and paid some fines. Whoops, should have just renewed again. Oh well, at least I am supporting my local library. Now I can crank out some more designs with my very own Barbara Walker book. Thank you so much!For Katy. See, she can breathe.
He on the other hand, needs a little scarf and maybe a hat.
For those who are missing their usual snow, here's a picture of mine. Please send warmer temperatures. Not too warm though.


  • What a nice gift! I bet that made you feel so great! :0)

    By Blogger Charity, at 10:15 AM, January 14, 2007  

  • beautiful photos as always.
    i am almost pretent it's not a hot summer night right now, looking at them!

    By Blogger veritas, at 10:19 AM, January 14, 2007  

  • Send warmer weather here too. It's feels like Canada in Colorado! -5 and snowing (AGAIN) right now. ick.

    By Blogger Hoban Family, at 10:39 AM, January 14, 2007  

  • What a thoughtful secret pal you have! That's wonderful. I know I should probably say that I'll take some of the snow off your hands, but I just don't have it in me... Sorry. ;) I'm really enjoying seeing it from afar, though!

    By Blogger Sus, at 12:31 PM, January 14, 2007  

  • you are good to rescue the doe. many people don't realise that you can suffocate under the snow like that. and it's silly to assume that a doe can just breathe back through her wire body. that's a common mistake!

    plenty warm here. sleeping with all windows open, ceiling fans on, and on top of the sheets.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, January 14, 2007  

  • I think all the "down unders" are looking for snow right now, huh? Frankly, I think snow is very pretty ... some where else. LOL, like in your pictures!

    BTW, your secret pal gave you a very thoughtful gift indeed. A great book!

    By Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut, at 8:59 PM, January 14, 2007  

  • Oh, Dorothy! I am so glad to see that package finally arrived for you. I knew you wouldn't have it before Christmas, but I did expect you to have it long before now!

    And, I just have to say that I love the reindeer's snorkel. How clever!

    We finally are getting some snow tonight so hopefully the kiddies will have some fun in it tomorrow.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:08 AM, January 15, 2007  

  • Oooh, you are lucky indeed!
    Love your pics of snow. So very different to what we have at the moment!

    By Blogger yarnivorous, at 4:48 AM, January 15, 2007  

  • Now that's the perfect gift indeed, how great! And thanks again for sharing your snow with us, thanks to your photos I still know what it looks like. We have spring here, there's no doubt about it - in the sun it's occasionally warm enough to be wearing T-Shirts - huh???? I'll be sending over a package with warm temperatures ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:32 AM, January 16, 2007  

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