Echo, echo, echooo...
Anybody out there?
Long time no talk!

A furry pretty!
Bad blogger had many words. Bad blogger wrote them occasionally, but didn't post them. Honest!

A floating pretty!
Bad blogger was playing outside, listening to frogs sing at night and having fun with kidlets. Also work and laundry. So. Much. Laundry.
A pretty handsome man.
How could bad blogger say no play to such a fun little face? Bad blogger could not. No words could replace this.

Gasp! A knit pretty on a pretty girl!!
Bad blogger did make the hat but, did not write the words for the hat. Bad blogger meant to, but see above and it is getting warmer outside!
Bring on warm! Someone is diligently searching the yard for dandelions and daisies.
Long time no talk!
Look a pretty!
Pay no attention to the bad blogger behind the screen posting last summer's photos.
Pay no attention to the bad blogger behind the screen posting last summer's photos.
A furry pretty!
Bad blogger had many words. Bad blogger wrote them occasionally, but didn't post them. Honest!
A floating pretty!
Bad blogger was playing outside, listening to frogs sing at night and having fun with kidlets. Also work and laundry. So. Much. Laundry.
How could bad blogger say no play to such a fun little face? Bad blogger could not. No words could replace this.
Gasp! A knit pretty on a pretty girl!!
Bad blogger did make the hat but, did not write the words for the hat. Bad blogger meant to, but see above and it is getting warmer outside!